Peace/OSC Plus Program
Chyrisse Dunnorm
Published: August 6, 2014
My name is Chyrisse Dunnorm and I'm the director of the Peace community and mentor to 10 incredible youth. I meet all of them 8 weeks ago and connected to them in a special way. They are known to me as The Peace Dream Team and their names are Avery, Justin, Shaquille, Jaquille, Tony, Darrius Jerome Quest, Gaylon and the Princess Shaquanda. I couldn't have been paired with an awesome group of youth than The Peace Dream Team. I've had the pleasure of watching 10 youth from different parts of Englewood unite as a family. They have shown me what is to endure obstacles and overcome difficult situations.

I've learned how to Love more because of them and respect the difference between of all of their different personalities. I've drawn strength from the Dream Teams resilience. They didn't let anything get in the way of their being on time every day nor did they let anything get in the way of them as a team completing their Financial Literacy or their Social Emotional Learning workshops. When it was time to let their voices be heard about overcoming trauma in the neighborhoods the Dream Team expressed their concerns very well. I’ve enjoyed our outing downtown and I've also enjoyed hearing them voice their opinions in the circle. They are truly Smart, Loving and Kind people when you get to know them as I have had the Joy and Pleasure. They know the importance of being independent, being responsible, prompt, balancing a job, school, and family. They understand that their journey in life is based on their choice and their decision. They understand that their education is the key to unlocking career opportunities that would help them provide for their families. They have learned how to have integrity and respect for themselves and others and they also learned what to do when they step out of integrity with their families and peers.
I’m very proud of what they have accomplished as a Team and individually. I'm very proud of the Leadership role that Avery has displayed during the program, Justin (Strength), Quest (Meekness),Shaquille(Peacefulness), Jaquille(Gentleness), Darrius(Joy), Gaylon(Determination), Jerome( Kindness), Tony( Goodness) and the Princess( Faithfulness and Love for her team). Truly, I have been blessed with an Awesome Dream and I'm Grateful for the time that, we have spent together. I love this Team Dearly and I'm Excited about their continuing Going For Greater as they are in the stage of Transitioning back to school and finding part-time jobs. The Dream Team has already finished their cover letters and resumes and have been on the internet filling out job applications. Avery and Gaylon are currently getting ready for college in and out of state, Jaquille, Darrius, Shaquille and Quest are getting ready for their senior year, Jerome is getting ready for his junior year and Shaquanda for sophomore year, Tony has decided to get his GED and me( Chyrisse) I'm still pursuing my bachelors degree at the University of Phoenix. I Thank God that they relationships that was formed in the OSC Plus summer program are long term. Peace and Blessing be unto you and your family from Ms. Chyrisse and The Peace Dream Team.
Chicago, Chicago's Youth, Children's Home + Aid, Englewood, Englewood Youth, Good in Englewood, Love in Englewood, OSC +, Peace Center, Peace In Englewood
Posted in Community Organizations