Ronisha Stewart
Ronisha Stewart
Published: September 26, 2011
I, Ronisha Stewart, am a very intelligent, dependent, funny, king-hearted,

and determined person. I feel that I’m intelligent because my mom enrolled me in a Catholic grammar school at an early age & they gave me the foundation of wisdom that I need in order to succeed. I’m determined because I don’t let anyone or anything get to me or stop me from a goal that I know I can reach, but instead I laugh them off. Speaking of laugh, I’m also very funny;I get this from my family. They are a very lively family who just like to havefun and make each day of its worth. My grandmother, aka Meme, keeps the family smiling with her comedic jokes, old stories about her childhood, and past eventsin the family. With all these “good” traits I have, I also have one bad trait that could use MUCH improvement; my attitude. I can sometimes be very mean and get very upset over petty things, and this makes me look like a negative person when I’m not. Some people know how to push my buttons, so I have to learn how to turn the other cheek & go about my day. With this being said, I’m an all-around good person, with a flaw that can be fixed! I attend De La Salle High School and I will be a sophomore when school starts back. This school year, I'm going to be on the Cheer-leading or Volleyball team. I'm also interested in joining the Drama Team. I really like my school; it's very diverse, the teachers give you one on one attention, and I feel that once i graduate from DLS, I will be prepared when I get in college. I plan on attending U of I at Urbana-Campaign and majoring in Medicine and Business Finance. If nursing doesn't go as planned, I will always have a backup plan which is why I chose Business Finance as a 2nd choice. I want to be the CEO of a major organization downtown. After I finish college and become a Registered Nurse, I will move to California and enjoy my life! :)
After School Matters, Englewood Community, Englewood Youth, Englewoodpo,, Smart Communities, Teamwork Englewood, Writing
Posted in Englewood YW3