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Southwest Federation Block Clubs of Greater Englewood

Hours of operation

To unify/form block clubs of Greater Englewood (Englewood, West Englewood, New City)

The reason to unify the block clubs of Greater Englewood is to form a partnership to actively work to
improve our neighborhoods and the community. We have found that what affect one block club and its members affect all the block clubs in the Greater Englewood Community. We need to restore a supportive presence for one another, rather than competitiveness with one another. Plus, change the mindset of community on the benefits of having a block club and how to form a block club. It can be one block, two or more blocks, a vertical block club, or a senior building.

By joining forces with a block club in trouble and creating a meaningful solution. This will demonstrate to
the block club residents that there is power in numbers. Plus build convinces for them to get out of the building and back into the community.

Posted in Community Organizations

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